Nick Cooke Mastering offers audio mastering for all requirements and formats.
Projects are developed and priced on an individual basis with good communication at the centre. The mastering process starts with a full consultation with the client to hone in on the desired outcomes. Close communication is encouraged throughout the process to reach those goals.
Mastering for Digital Release,
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Digital release is the leading release option in the form of downloads and streaming. As standard, mastered audio files will be produced in the Broadcast WAV format with each individual track having its ISRC embedded into the file if the ISRC is provided by the client. If required, other formats such as AIFF, MP3, AAC, FLAC and Ogg Vorbis can also be created. Digital releases, in any format, can be optimised for the best listening experience. At Nick Cooke Mastering, we will work with you to achieve the best result for your music no matter where or how you plan to release it.
CD Masters
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Online music is here to stay, however, CD releases are still an important and popular format especially for independent gigging artists whose fans still want physical products. Although similar to masters for digital releases, CD masters are supplied in the disc description protocol (DDP) format, which is the global industry standard for CD production. Along with the DDP master, a DDP player app that does not require third party software installation, will be included. This player app then allows the DDP to be played within your computer, burn reference audio CD-Rs and export reference files. Audio reference discs can be provided on request.
Mastered for iTunes
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Nick Cooke Mastering is proud to be certified by Apple for their Mastered for iTunes format. This format focuses on achieving high quality audio sold on iTunes by setting parameters for certified mastering engineers to meet. Further information can be found on Apple’s website:
Mastering for Vinyl
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Vinyl masters sometimes need a slightly different approach and level in comparision to digital and CD format. A set of specialised masters for this fantastic format can be created to ensure the sound of your music translates well onto vinyl. These masters will then be ready to be passed on to your cutting engineer of choice.
Remastering and Restoration
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Nick has remastered and restored a wide range of recordings from various recording formats, some dating back to the late 1940s. Remastering can improve overall sound quality as well as reducing unwanted noise from that all important take or live track. Whether you need a remastered issue of that classic album or you have certain tracks that need some care to remove unwanted noise, Nick Cooke Mastering will work with you to get the result you want. Please get in touch for format availabilities.
Digital Editing
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Nick has extensive experience of editing music for radio/tv/film releases, working with cue sheets, creating censored edits and working with dialog and sound effects. Nick Cooke Mastering offers a large range of editing services whether your recordings have been created in-house or externally. Please get in touch to discuss any editing requirements.